A warning on the use of psychiatric drugs

As I mentioned earlier in my blog, I had been on many antidepressant and anti-anxiety medications for years.  I started on Prozac 20 years ago because my GP said I had a little postpartum depression.  I didn't know then that I would spend the next 20 years trying one after another and loosing a life that was fun, normal, and happy.

I was getting worse year by year and the doctors just kept giving me more antidepressants.

I was at rock bottom two years ago and didn't think I could go on like this anymore.  I came across a book by Peter Breggin, M.D. and David Cohen, Ph.D. called Your Drug May Be Your Problem.   I really feel like this book is saving my life.  Please if any of you are one the roller coaster of psychiatric drugs, read this book.

It will help you to understand why the drugs aren't working.  These doctors have spent their lives studying theses drugs and warning the FDA about the risks.  They were responsible for the warning labels that have been added by the FDA.  If you read the FDA warning it clearly states that these antidepressants may actually cause a worsening of depression and suicidal tendencies!

So if your psychiatric meds are not working for you please read this book.

The major turning point for me to get off the meds was when i thought back to the last time I was really happy and stable in my life and it was right before my GP gave me my first Prozac.  For me, that's all it took.  I know withdrawal will be a tough long road but it will definitely be worth it to have a normal life back!