Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Medication Dance

The Medication Dance

If you have been living with Clinical Depression for a while,  you have probably done the medication dance.   You start feeling good and you start thinking you don't need your antidepressant.  You start to think you can do it without medication. If you look back through my blog, you will see that I did the medication dance a couple of times over the years.   You think we would learn after the crash and burn that lands us back on medication.  

I finally have come to terms with the fact that I have a disease and I will have to take medications for it for the rest of my life. 

Clinical depression is not something that will go away. It's also not something you can control without medication. You might be okay for a while but it will come
back.  Trying to struggle with depression without medication is crazy. There are new antidepressants with very few if any side affects.  If you had diabetes, you would take insulin.   You have Clinical Depression,  you need antidepressants. 

So, I stopped the medication dance. I accept the fact that I have a disease and I will do whatever it takes to enjoy life. 

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