Sorry I haven't written in a while, but like I said this is an ongoing journey and I'm nowhere near the end, I Thought I was doing good and then "Wham" Back in bed I was for over a week. That's the thing I can't understand with depression. You can be feeling great for a while and then all of a sudden, for no reason, your spiraling down out of control.
I am having a hard time right now trying to just understand why I just can't be fixed. Why can't I just say to myself " You are getting out of bed, stop this shit, and get on with your life?" Why can't it just be that easy? Why can't I have control of my own brain?
Do you know that the only way you can get into the great mental health programs like Dr. Phil is always talking about is to fork up around $70,000.00? He doesn't bother bringing up that little point on his show. I emailed him about this little oversight, but I haven't heard back yet. :) (not holding my breath).
You always hear "Money isn't everything", but you know what, that is kind of a lie. To receive great health care, especially mental health care, you have to have money. So what I take from that is if I want to have a normal life and be a normal mother, I'm going to have to rob a bank. (just kidding!).
Well I am going to stop griping and feeling sorry for myself today. I will post again soon