A strange new road
My journey through depression has been tough and the road hard, but I have always been able to see the goal at the end. Even in the darkest times, I hung on to the believe that I would find the old me one day and my life would be good again. In fact, many times, it was that belief, along with God, that got me through.
Here lately, I have been praying for understanding. There have been so many changes over the last four years. I feel lost and unsure of what I am supposed to do. I asked God to guide me through and help me to know what I am supposed to do in life.
Day by day he is blessing me with new insight on how to proceed on my journey. Today, he showed me something I was not expecting. My goal of finding the old me is not going to happen because the old me is gone. She didn't make it through the journey. I have to find another road that will lead to someone I haven't met yet: The new me.
The thought of this new journey is terrifying and exciting.
Here I go